日志 - 我的藏经阁


来源:威廉   发表时间:2006-08-02 14:15:26   浏览数:1466   转到我空间  分享到随写  分享到鸽友社区
  《心經》中說色不異空,空不異色,色即是空,空即是色。色,指的是物質;空,指的是自性 。即是說,萬物沒有自性,全憑緣。引種亦然,不是你想找最好的,緣份到的時候,最好的會來到你面前。
  早前在http://pipa.be網上拍得一羽歐洲超級種公NL84-1870149 ( Klamper抱緊號)的近親直孫女NL01-0127532,早前也在網上談過。這羽鴿子是楊阿騰系,出自荷蘭老將柯爾.海德(Cor J. de Heijde)。抱緊號的後代曾飛出多項荷蘭國家賽冠軍及巴塞隆拿很好的名次,由於見到這羽雌鴿系出名門,樣子甜美,便以800歐羅拍了下來,一心想著與自己手中的楊系鴿配在一起。並且,牠的尾號是532,與禿頭號同尾號,便將之起名為(緣份號)。

  最近,好友Luna告訴我,2005比利時巴賽隆拿的冠軍便是抱緊號(NL84-1870149)的血統,該鴿B02-6502747,也是雌鴿,血統來自柯爾.海德舍下。該鴿有75%的血統是來自抱緊號,而鴿主舍下 90%的血統均源自柯爾.海德鴿舍。

  該鴿叫Tonny,牠的父親 NL00-2117637 直接來自柯爾鴿爾。祖父是DV05031-95-2,源自Piet and Henk de weerd鴿舍,兒子紎amurai荋翮舅痗賱帑陸禤a賽冠軍。

  祖母是NL96-9659727,是笅arcelonaduif粍L93-9345559波品娜冠軍的直子,該鴿除了波品娜冠軍的成績外,亦得7名、15名及巴塞隆拿21名。而該鴿的父親就是抱緊號Klamper。   母親是B00-3040218祖父B88-255150 曾經奪得長距離國家賽冠軍,外祖外及外祖母是兄妹配,是抱緊號的直孫及直孫女。

B02-6502747 "Tonny" 
Cor de Heijde
柯爾.海德  DV05031-95-2
Piet and Henk de Weerd
son "Samurai"
1st nat. Barcelona
"Dochter Barcelonaduif"
1st nat. Perpignan,
7th nat. Perpignan,
15th nat. Perpignan
21st nat. Barcelona NL84-1870149
Cor de Heijde
Sioentje Luc and Hilde Sioen B98-3005218 Zoon Brecht B88-255150 "Brecht"
1st nat 長距離國家賽冠軍  
NL94-2781499 "Briljantje"  NL84-1870149
Klamper (抱緊號)
Cor de Heijde
B98-3005219 B88-255150 "Brecht "  
NL94-2781499 "Briljantje" NL84-1870149
Klamper (抱緊號)
Cor de Heijde



B02-6502747 Tonny "Hen (Belgium 2005 Barcelona Nat. 1e ) Tonny didn't race any trainingrace in the year of birth as she was a late youngster of 2002. She just flew around her loft. She stayed on 2 feathers and in 2003 she was trained together with the yearlings. 75% of the pedigree of Tonny is Cor De Heijde, and 90% of the total bloodline in the loft of Frans is from Cor De Heijde.

In Frans Bungeneers we meet the author of the book "Topduiven onder het keurend oog." (Translation: "Top Pigeons Strictly Judged") Due to the fact that he wrote this book, he met a lot of top fanciers and he got a lot of superb birds in the hand. A good friendship between Frans and top fancier Cor de Heijde (Made - Netherlands) was the result. The friendship is even so good that Frans gave his national winner the same name as the wife of Cor de Heijde, namely "Tonny."

Frans takes very good notice of which nest position a topresult is putted on paper. The same with "Tonny" (B02-6502747). As a late bred (born at the end of 2002), she was trained in 2003 till she lost her 9th wing feather. In 2004 she was basketted for two short-distance races, two middle-distance races, and then a 450 km race. After these "preparation-races," "Tonny" was basketted for Barcelona, and she won the 654th national. In 2005 she got the same preparation, and 14 days before Barcelona she was basketted for a 550 km race. On Barcelona she was basketted with four-day-old youngsters.

The father of "Tonny" is NL00-2117637 - directly Cor de Heijde. Grandfather is DV05031-95-2, directly from Piet and Henk de Weerd (son "Samurai" - 1st nat. Barcelona). Grandmother is "Dochter Barcelonaduif" (NL96-9659727). The "Barcelonaduif"(NL93-9345559) won 1st nat. Perpignan, 7th nat. Perpignan, 15th nat. Perpignan and 21st nat. Barcelona. She is a daughter of top breeder "Klamper."

Mother of "Tonny" is "Sioentje" (B00-3040218) and comes directly from Luc and Hilde Sioen (Moorslede). This hen comes from a coupling of brother with sister. Grandfather is "Zoon Brecht" (B98-3005218). This cock comes from the coupling "Brecht" (B88-255150 - 1st nat. ace pigeon long distance) X "Briljantje" (NL94-2781499 - daughter "Klamper" from Cor de Heijde). Grandmother is "Dochter Briljantje" (B98-3005219) from the same parents as "Zoon Brecht."

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